Wednesday, March 16, 2011

80% Gynecological Illnesses Can be Treated with Regulation of Menstrual Cycle

     80% of gynecological illnesses are caused by irregular menstrual cycles.  If the menstrual cycle can be regulated, then many of these gynecological illnesses would disappear by themselves.  Ignoring menstrual irregularities is not smart, as they may cause many unforeseen problems later on in life.   Some common menstrual problems include menstrual cramps, bloating, headaches, spotting, back pain, and irregular cycles, etc.  If these problems are recognized early on and are treated without delay, they are not difficult issues to deal with. 
In treating menstrual problems there are three organs that must be focused on:  the liver, spleen and kidney.  There are two important acupuncture points that, if applied pressure to daily for a couple of minutes, may be extremely beneficial in regulating menstrual cycles and getting rid of the painful symptoms. 
1.       The “San Yin Jiao”
San Yin Jiao is, from a gynecological standpoint, a panacea.  It’s a remedy for just about any female-related illness, so it’s one whose abilities and importance we must value.  The point has a two-way effectiveness; in other words, it can act as both a channel and an absorber, and can either evoke circulation of the blood or slow it, depending on an individual’s physique.  It is very easy to find on the body, located around 7 centimeters above the inner ankle. To find the exact point, feel around the area for a spot of sensitivity. 
2.       The “Ci Liao” Point
This point is located at the base of the spine, and it is also a very important point when it comes to treating gynecological illnesses. As long as there’s a problem with the female reproductive system—no matter if it’s located in the uterus, ovaries, etc.—this spot will be sensitive when applied pressure to.  If this point is massaged frequently, the pain around the point will gradually lessen and disappear, and the corresponding illness will also go away. 

                The points above are very effective external methods in curing gynecological illness; if the body’s internal cycles are regulated as well, the results will be even better.  How to regulate these internal cycles then?  You can take herbal medicines such as Free and Easy Wanderer, or Free and Easy Wanderer Plus (ask a local practitioner about these medicines).  These two medicines are extremely helpful in getting rid of menstrual problems or illnesses causes by menstrual irregularities.  It is effective in treating 70% or more of gynecological illnesses. 
                Free and Easy Wanderer Pills, just as the name suggests, promotes energy and raises spirit, eliminating depression.  Many gynecological illnesses and reproductive problems are directly related to emotional stress and spiritual well-being. 
                What’s the difference between Free and Easy Wanderer Teapills and Free and Easy Wanderer Plus?  The answer lies in the “Plus”.  Free and Easy Wanderer Plus was created on the basis of Free and Easy Wanderer, with an addition of several herbs to reduce internal heat and relieve inflammation.
                If you find that you are easily agitated or upset, often are thirsty and like to drink cold beverages, you should take Free and Easy Wanderer Plus.  If you don’t like to drink water and are not often thirsty, it’s better to take Free and Easy Wanderer.
                In general, you should begin taking the herbs 3 or 4 days before menstruation, and stop taking the herbs temporarily once menstruation begins.  If you feel comfortable with the herbs, it’s okay to take them for an extra two days.  By taking these herbs, you will feel that your menstruation period passes smoothly and without incident. 
                There are several other medicinal regulating methods that also give pretty good results:
                Because menstruation uses up a lot of the body’s energy, after menstruation many people will feel light-headed and weak, having symptoms such as a sore back or leg pain.  This problem is easily solved.  When menstruation is just about to end, take Liu Wei Di Huang teapills.  People who easily get cold can take Shi Quan Da Bu teapills as an alternative, because this can prevent a weak body and energy deficiency. 
                If spotting occurs, it’s often because the spleen is weak or has weak circulation.  This problem can be solved by taking Bu Zhong Yi Qi teapills and eating Chinese red dates/jujubes.  During menstruation, you can also take San Qi in powder form and Ba Zhen. People who get cold easily can also add some brown sugar while taking the herbs.
                If you are not familiar with Chinese Medicine, please ask a local practitioner/acupuncturist about the herbs.  As long as you follow the above methods, I’m sure your gynecological illnesses will be solved.
Future Blog: Losing Weight Should Be an Easy Process

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How to Keep Yourself Healthy During the Springtime

                When the frost melts away and the cold disappears, animals wake from their sleep and life blooms everywhere.  This kind of restoration occurs continuously during the springtime, and the vitality can be felt not only in nature, but in everyone’s body as well. This energy is better for our health than the best medicine, so we should use this energy of the seasons to cleanse our body of any chance of disease.
               During the spring, the body’s old sicknesses are the most likely to reappear.  Our immune system, when stimulated, begins attacking the focal point of infection or disease, and as a result the sickness is quickly eliminated. The energy of our immune system exists with the help of our liver, and in the springtime, the liver is the most irritable and easily provoked. During this time, people are more likely to get angry or upset easily.  The gallbladder and liver organs are related here; the liver’s internal heat—what the Chinese call “fire”—travels out of the body through the gallbladder meridian.  Because of this, many people will suddenly develop a bitter taste in their mouth from the gallbladder’s bile, as well as shoulder pain, headache on one side of the head, painful swelling of the breasts, or sharp pain in the thighs or back area.
                Though these symptoms may seem severe, they’re actually quite easy to treat. To get rid of the bile taste, take Xiao Chai Hu Tang pills; for the one-sided headache or painful swelling of breasts, take Free and Easy Wanderer Plus pills; to get rid of shoulder or leg pain take Ping Gan Shu Luo pills.            
                There is a teacher who, during the day is angry at his students, and at night around 11 or 12 (when the gallbladder meridian is most active), he feels increasing pain in his shoulders and cannot sleep.  After massaging the Tai Chong point, located on the liver meridian, the pain immediately stops and he is able to fall asleep.  It is very important to recognize these acupuncture points so that, in cases like the teacher’s, we do not need to find medicine or see a doctor, but rather rid ourselves of the pain.  The Tai Chong point is nearly halfway between the toes and the heel, on the top side of the foot in between the big toe and second toe (see attached image).  It’s not important to get exactly the right point, but feel around the approximate area and massage where you feel pain or sensitivity.
                The skin’s pores are more open during the springtime, so people may find that they get cold more easily, and therefore are more susceptible to coughs, especially coughing continuously at night. This is because coughing is the body’s method to cure itself of the imbalance of internal heat (from the liver) and external cold (from the lungs).
                A helpful tip:  
If your child suddenly develops a cold or high fever, accompanied by coughing, massage his/her  “Tian He Shui” pathway (see attached image), which is located on the inner face of the lower arm, starting at the center base of the wrist and pushing upwards towards the bend in the arm.  Do this about  5-10 minutes, right before his/her bedtime.  
Other discomforts of the springtime may include headaches that begin at the eyes, dizziness and ringing in the ears—these are all signs of excessive internal heat of the liver.  To allow the internal heat to escape the body, you must open up the gallbladder meridian (recall that the gallbladder meridian is the channel by which the liver’s internal heat travels out of the body).  To do this, apply pressure along the gallbladder meridian, which starts at the base of the neck and extends all the way to the pinky toe.  (For a better picture of this and other pathways, see the attached images)  You can also apply pressure along the San Jiao meridian, which essentially is the gallbladder meridian but in the arms instead of the legs. You can also massage the Xin Bao meridian or the Pang Guang meridian, which helps dispel external cold and uses your body’s natural energy in order to get rid of the sickness stored in the body.
Some people find that they easily get muscle cramps during the spring; others have a tendency to develop diarrhea, and still others feel sleepy or fatigued often.  This is another case of the liver’s excessive internal heat, but this time also combined with a weak spleen organ. When the liver is too active, most of the body’s blood flows along the liver meridian; this causes the spleen meridian to be weaker.  This is because the spleen is responsible for delivering the body’s blood and energy to various parts of the body. If the liver is receiving too much of the body’s blood supply, the spleen naturally begins to malfunction and tire.  This is treated with Free and Easy Wanderer pills, Shen Ling Bai Shu pills, Chinese red dates (jujubes), or porridge made of Chinese yam and Job’s tears seeds.  All of the following have the ability to promote the generation of red blood cells, so that the spleen will be restored and the imbalance between the liver and spleen will disappear. 

Next blog: Most Gynecological Illnesses can be treated with Regulation of Menstrual Cycle