Over the years I’ve seen a lot of women suffer from menstrual pain. I am very surprised that many of them regard pain as normal during their period. Some may choose to take pain killers to ease the pain, which doesn’t solve the problem. Pain killers mask the symptoms and do not address the real problem.
In Chinese medicine, we think pain is related to qi (energy) and blood stagnation. Cramping pain during menstruation can be due to cold entering the lower abdomen or a blockage of the channel or meridian. Where there is obstruction, there is pain. Part of the reason women have menstrual pain is because of lifestyle & diet, and part of the reason is due to an obstruction of the normal flow of qi (energy). Stress can cause stagnation in your body, which in turn, causes pain. External pathogens like cold and damp can also block the meridians, causing stagnation and pain. Most women are happy to learn that there are several things that women can do by themselves, at home, to relieve their menstrual cramps.
So, what can we women do at home to prevent menstrual pain? First, let’s talk about how you dress. When you are in the midst of your menstrual cycle, your body is weaker than normal, so it’s important to dress properly. Make sure that your lower abdomen is completely covered and warm. In cold weather, try not to expose your feet, legs, and abdomen. You can also use a heating pad to warm the lower abdomen to relieve pain. If you can’t afford a heating pad, you can fill a sock with rice and microwave it for 30 – 60 seconds and apply to the abdomen. Secondly, diet is very important in how your body reacts during your period. You should stop taking any cold foods and beverages before and during your menstrual cycle. For example, foods and drinks that you want to avoid are ice, raw vegetables, cold salads, ice cream, and cold beverages. Good things to replace these foods are warm teas and soups. If you’re craving something sweet a bit of dark chocolate or a warm soup with rice, brown sugar, and dates, can satiate your sweet tooth. Another favorite dietary tip is fresh ginger tea with brown sugar, which can be very warming and soothe the stomach. Ginger tea also helps to promote blood flow and ease pain. Instead of having a cold salad or raw vegetables, you can bake some vegetables with a little olive oil. Why should we make these changes in diet and how we dress? In Chinese medicine, it is understood that cold can easily “invade” the uterus, which inevitably causes that old familiar cramping pain. These small changes can greatly affect how you feel during that “time of the month”.
For women who suffer from severe menstrual pain, acupuncture is recommended, as well as taking some natural Chinese herbs. Acupuncture can be helpful to move qi (energy) and move blood if it’s stagnated. Herbal medicine can be helpful to resolve blood stagnation and stop pain. The combination of the two can regulate qi (energy), break up blood stagnation, and resolve pain. There are two Chinese herbal formulas, in particular, that are used to ease menstrual pain. One focuses on rebuilding and moving blood, while the other works on moving blood, clearing stagnation, and stopping pain.
Whether your menstrual pain is mild or severe, acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can be very effective in stopping pain and cramping. The combination of dietary and dress recommendations, as well as acupuncture and herbal medicine, can greatly affect how you feel during your menstrual period. If you are looking for a gentle and effective treatment for menstrual pain management, acupuncture may be right for you.
Future Blog Topic: 80% of gynecological illnesses can be treated with regulation of menstrual cycle